Thursday, July 16, 2009


Like everyone else, I have officially become a bad blogger. I guess my only excuse is that time is precious and I haven't had much to spend blogging.

OrphaNetwork just got some of these sweet little video cameras so this is my first attempt at a video. It's not great, but it gives a little insight into what some of our downtime around here looks like. Living at an orphanage is actually a really cool experience. By no means is it living with a normal family, but it is an opportunity to have many brothers and sisters and a staff of people who love you and want to take care of you.

These are some awesome kids, and hopefully as time goes on I can get some more of their stories on here for you all to see.

"He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18: 2-4


  1. Cute video - it's good to see your face! Your Spanish es bueno, pero creo que lo que quieres decir en el titulo de esta 'entry' es 'practicando'. (El verbo es practicar, casi como ingles) Rolly 'r's often sound like 'l's (or sometimes 'd's) en espanol. Sorry - ever the mom... :)

  2. thanks momma its great to hear from you! but the verb actually is placticar - nicaraguan slang meaning: to hang out. but nice try!!

  3. OOOOHHHH!! I thought you were referring to practicing w/the video camera! :) "Placticar" is definitely a new one for me!
    Heard about your skype convo w/dad - sounds like it's all muy bueno.
