There are many things that I miss about being in Central America with nine amazing people: highly inappropriate conversations, pillow talk, 3 shared meals a day, long car rides, card games, inside jokes, etc. etc. But more importantly, I miss the Christ centered community that we built together in 2 short weeks. If you look in Acts 2:42-44 the author describes what community was like during the first century...
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.
During our time together in Nicaragua I think I can speak for all of us when I say we experienced a little slice of heaven. We experienced true community, strikingly similar to what can be found in this passage. We had alone time, together; we prayed, together; we ate, together. And together, we witnessed a church on a hill delivering straight from the Holy Spirit, joy, hope, and healing to 150 kids and their families.
And for a short time, we got to be a part of this majestic place, together. I’m not going to lie--it’s been far more difficult coming back to Denver than I realized, though my high maintenance side couldn’t wait to get a haircut and get back into my designer duds. But all of that is truly meaningless, as we learn in Ecclesiastes, or of course by first hand experience, that we will never be fulfilled by such advancements...but we’ll try, over and over and over again. Woa, how easily we are sucked back into our routines and comfort, the gossip and the drama!
All that to say, I miss my nine friends and 24/7 companionship; I miss waking up knowing that together we got to be in awe of Jesus and His disciples; I miss the encouragement; I miss wearing little to no makeup, t-shirts and yoga pants. More than anything, I miss the earnest talk about Jesus. My question now is, why does it have to be any different here?
Let’s be serious, we have 75 + other people in our community and intimate conversations are hard to come by at Wash Park or karaoke night. Now don’t get me wrong, I love fun and games, but I love Jesus more. We are blessed to have so many friends, but how about we try and lay aside the drama, and focus on the One we all claim to have in common. That won’t come easy for many of us (myself included), but how about we try, as a LARGE community of believers, getting back to the basics, and back to Jesus. After all, anything is possible through our Lord and Savior, right?
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